Friday, February 22, 2019

February 22

Good Morning!! 

Every morning the students are welcomed to the circle area where they learn there days of the week,months of the year, weather and listen to a morning message. Today, we reviewed words that have the sound "AR" and the sound "OR." We brainstorm more words that have that sound.

Moving into our Phonics the students took there Writing Task test. The students needed to draw a picture of there family and write about there family as well. I am looking for great sentences, great spelling, good penmanship and labeling who is who in each family. Test will be graded today and will be sent home soon.

Once each student is done with there writing test they have the option to go into there centre.

Centre  for today include:

Making letters with play dough.
Completing there journal entry of " What I learned about a doctor is..."

Math Time:  TEST DAY, students will be working on there test. GOOD LUCK!!!!

UOI: We will be reviewing our community helpers and also learning about a new community helper which is a NURSE. Next, students will be taking a vote on what they want to be when they grow up. Then they will draw a picture and explaining  why they want to be that when they get older.

The kids enjoyed there French lesson and then we end with writing in our journals. "What I learned this week is...."

Reminders for the week: 
The students received new homework notebooks, I will be sending them one on Monday.
Bake Sale: February 26th and 27th
Pancake Day: March 5th

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Hello parents and students,   I hope everyone is enjoying  their weekend, I am pleased to inform you that Ms. Gray is now able to re...